Use chat to get quick information.
Alaska Air Cargo customers can now use our website to chat online with our call center agents. You can ask a wide variety of questions and get quick answers without having to pick up the phone. Will your shipment fit on a certain plane, for example? Where can you find DIM charts? Acceptable kennel sizes? Get information on seafood packaging requirements or weight limits on GoldStreak® Package Express services. Whatever you’ve got questions about, we’ve got the answers.
Use chat to modify an existing air waybill.
With chat, you can make changes to your existing air waybill. You can, for example, update weights and piece counts or change a flight. Upgrade service level if delivery requirements have changed or modify consignee details. All without having to pick up the phone.
When available, chat can be found on the Contact Us page. Initial hours for chat service are 7:00am-7:00pm (PT). Please note that we cannot create new bookings through chat.
Use online claims to save time.
Good news for everyone: The days of faxing or mailing in paper claim forms are pretty much gone. Our new online claim and service-failure forms now prepopulate most AWB data. This means, if you have a claim, you can quickly complete the new online form, upload and attach images and other supporting documentation all on one screen. Your information will be packaged up and delivered directly to our claims team for processing. And you’ll promptly receive a confirmation email that your claim was received. Our goal is to reduce preparation and processing effort for everyone and to speed resolution.